Pulp molded packaging won another international award

Publish Time : 2023-04-22 00:18:42

Another pulp molded packaging product won the German IF Product Design Award.


Founded in 1954, the iF Product Design Award is held regularly every year by Germany's oldest industrial design organization - the Hannover Industrial Design Forum (iFIndustrieForumDesign), and has been internationally recognized as a prestigious award in the field of contemporary industrial design. Award (RedDot) and IDEA Award are known as the world's three major design awards. 


In response to the national call for energy conservation and emission reduction, OLIVIO&CO has taken active actions, and has accumulated about 100,000 recycled plastic bottles to make glasses cloth. In addition, sugarcane pulp, which can be naturally degraded in 60 days, is selected as the raw material for the glasses case.


The brand successfully joined RPM (Global Environmental Protection Packaging Movement) in early 2022, becoming the first Chinese brand to join the international environmental protection organization, and worked together to help the organization move towards a longer-term environmental protection construction.
