Work Safety & Fair Remunerations

At Hengkefa, we believe in the fair treatment of employees. We ensure that our company and factory follow the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) Base Code to provide an ethical, safe and healthy work environment for the Hengkefa community. We hold strict employment policies to protect human rights, ensuring that our employees are treated fairly. We do not tolerate any form of unethical labor practices such as child labor, forced labor, discrimination, coercion, or harassment. In terms of occupational health and safety, Hengkefa provides training, personal protective equipment, and first aid to our employees. 

Hengkefa is a proud member of Sedex and Responsible Printing Technology Association. We also conduct periodical audits according to the Walt Disney International Labour Standards certification.  

The ethical and responsible business practices that we adhere to and the periodical audits by independent institutions ensure that we are a fair and reputable responsible packaging manufacturer.

Work Safety & Fair Remunerations

Training & Education

Our employees are the core of the Hengkefa family. We value personal and professional growth and provide opportunities for development in our workplace. Each year, all departments are required to submit a Development & Training plan for our CEO’s approval. We hold regular training courses for our employees: workshops, skills training, and personal development training. For instance, we hire consultants to hold training for our management team to enhance and broaden their leadership strategies. Our designers attend workshops to continuously improve on their artistry as well as keep up to date on current trends. Packaging craftsmanship training is regularly provided to our production employees to increase their skills and maintain high standards in our products. We also provide basic cybersecurity training to our employees to protect our company’s network, as well as their own personal computers at home.

Hengkefa also believes in talents around the world. We hire both internationally and locally to enrich our community with diversity and varying viewpoints. 

  • HKF Packaging Company Training
  • HKF Packaging Company Training
  • HKF Packaging Company Training
  • HKF Packaging Company Training
  • HKF Packaging Company Training
  • HKF Packaging Company Training
  • HKF Packaging Company Training
  • HKF Packaging Company Training
  • HKF Packaging Company Training
  • HKF Packaging Company Training

Employee Welfare

Hengkefa understands the importance of employee welfare. We want to create a happy environment for our employees and foster a united community within the company. In addition to the workplace, Hengkefa also offers activities, sports and activities for our employees. We host New Year celebrations and free raffles to bring joy to our Hengkefa community. We also provide facilities for sports activities as we believe in the importance of fostering good sportsmanship within Hengkefa. In addition to the happiness of our employees, we also care about the future of our employees' children. To support the Hengkefa family, we have developed a program for our employees to apply for scholarships for their children.

For the safety of employees, Hengkefa has a security team stationed on site 24/7. For the convenience and safety of our employees, we have also constructed a large parking lot. Our campus also features a variety of seating areas surrounded by trees and flowers for employees to relax and unwind during the day. During lunch time, we have two cafeterias with select vendors to provide safe meal options for our team.. 

Hengkefa also attaches great importance to the health of its employees, so we have a safety department, two medical rooms, and hold regular health prevention training courses. We also provide our employees with company health insurance and free annual health exams. 

We believe that a happy and healthy workplace can bring creativity and motivation to our Hengkefa family, allowing us to work hard, play hard, and grow together as a team.

  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events
  • HKF Packaging Company Events